A sequel to the American West’s history of settlement. It follows the further adventures of the characters who first appeared in Horizon: An American Saga. The film was originally scheduled for release on August 16, 2024. However, following the commercial failure of Horizon: An American Saga – Chapter 1 (2024), New Line Cinema has pulled its sequel from its original release date, delaying it indefinitely. Chapter 2 premiered at the 81st Venice International Film Festival on September 7, 2024, and it is unclear what will follow Horizon: An American Saga – Chapter 1 (2024) in theaters. I loved it from start to finish. I can’t believe the negative reviews and ratings. I’m a huge fan of Westerns, and this one is quality from start to finish. Remember, this is part of a longer story, part 1 is about getting to know the main characters. Three hours flew by and now I really want to see season 2 as soon as possible. I really hope that all the episodes will be filmed and released, because I think people will consider the whole thing a masterpiece. Great photography, great acting, brutal scenes that I’m sure are realistic. I give it 9 out of 10 only because sometimes the story doesn’t flow the way it should. But I liked it.