El cuarto pasajero 2022 Full Movie Watch

El cuarto pasajero 2022 online

Filmed at the Marqués de Riscal Hotel


At age 50, divorced and strapped for cash, Julian uses a car-sharing app to travel around Madrid. He falls in love with Lorena, a regular passenger, and his troubles begin when two strangers join them on their journey.

Blue Skyby Electric Light Orchestra

Features L’année dernière à Marienbad (1961). Mr.

The plot is simple and the outcome becomes clear quickly, leaving little room for surprise or engagement

Álex de la Iglesia, known for his mastery of suspense and horror, seems to have strayed off track with “The Passenger’s Wing,” which unfortunately falls into the category of predictable Sunday night comedies. Despite its potential, the film lacks the originality and suspense that fans have come to expect from De la Iglesia’s work.

The humor and romantic elements of the film feel forced and lack the wit that could lift the narrative

The cast, including Blanca Suarez, Alberto San Juan and Ernesto Alterio, are talented actors, but their performances are overshadowed by a script that doesn’t do justice to their skills. It’s a wonder why they decided to take on a project that doesn’t make the most of their abilities.

It’s disappointing to see such a talented director and cast involved in a project that doesn’t leave a lasting impression

Overall, “El cuarto pasajero” is a forgettable entry in Álex de la Iglesia’s filmography, lacking the depth and creativity that usually characterize his films.


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